Sunday, August 1, 2010

July 24, 2010

What do you get with 3 incredibly roommates and an obsession with photography? A ton of embarassing pictures only a mother could love. Well, I kind of like them too. It was fun to just go walking to the swanky cafe with small little breathers here and there.

July 18, 2010


After attending a comical screening of the LGBT Film Festival favorite, "Hooters", we ended up at Hollywood. My little sister and my roomies all walked along the stars and had a "gay ol' time". While we did not stay very long, we had a blast doing the touristy thing. Go Hollywood!

July 16, 2010

Weddings and Jousting

As a school family, we had a fun-filled trip to Medieval Times. After that, Daniel and I trekked down to San Diego for a beautiful Earnest wedding. John-Michael married Ashleigh Berger in a beautiful ceremony with a fantastic party after. Good times to be had by all!

July 15, 2010

Thunderstorms!! I realize the picture on the top is a little dark, but I love the white light of the lamp post. I LOVE CLOUD pictures in general. What do you think?

July 13, 2010

It was WATER DAY at my school. I always find it unfortunate that it would be inappropriate to put up pictures of my kids. To take so many beautiful portraits... and then be unable to share. Oh well, these pictures will do in lending to the atmosphere of the day... even if they lack any true skill...

July 10, 2010

A fun day was to be had at the Irvine Spectrum with one of the most beautiful women I know: Caitie Close. We chatted, walked around, and simply enjoyed the day...

July 9, 2010

On Fridays we have fieldtrips during summer school. This particular Friday we found ourselves at the ice skating rink. Following the rink, we ended up at the theatre to watch "Despicable Me". Looking forward to that particular movie, I was saddened to see that it lacked real heart. Prescribing yourself to the ABC's of children movies does not make a wothwhile movie going event. All very unfortunate....